
The Mystery Alliance: Evian’s Saga is a short reading experience, originally written as a screen play and converted to an e-book.

Packed with a diverse cast of characters, easy to follow dialog and sixteen chapters with sub-headings which act like separate scenes or skits in a play with different places, times, events and characters.

The main character is Evian Magi who works as a Jack-of-all-trades for the Machiavellia’s Traveling Carnival. Paris, France is full of history, mystery and intriguing people from all over the globe. It is the beauty of a woman that lures Evian into a secret society called The Mystery Alliance where he finds his path is forever sealed.

I quote a passage from chapter seven to give you a glimpse into Evian’s story.

“Delphi and Raven are in the gardens surrounding the chateau, picking flowers. Evian comes outside for a brief respite and notices the two of their bent forms. He is delighted to see that the ladies are engaged in such a pleasant past- time and decides to join their little gathering.
When he approaches them, he says, “There you are, ladies.”
Both women stand up and face their visitor. Delphi replies with, “Hello, Evian. Did you want something?
“Actually, I just came outside to unwind for a while. But, now that I think of it, there are some things that I have been meaning to ask you.”
“All right, then. Wait one moment, please.” “Sure.’
As Delphi returns to her task, Evian turns his attention to Raven. Smiling, he says, “Hello again, Raven.”
Raven glances at him. “Hello, there. You seem very cheerful today. May I ask the reason?”
Evian simply shrugs. “Of course…it’s just that I think I have found my purpose in this world.”
Raven smiles at hearing this. “You’ve made your decision, then.” “I have. So far, I’ve not yet discovered a reason to leave.”
“Have you already informed Machiavellia’s of your decision yet?”
Evian nods. “Yes, Raven Hawk, I have. They weren’t happy to lose me, but I suspect they’ll get over it; in time.”
“And how are you finding The Mystery Arts?”
Evian’s face positively glows as he thinks about his progress with the innovative martial arts form. “Fantastic! I’m absolutely fascinated by it all.”
“Oh no, tell me we don’t have another adrenaline junkie.
Evian frowns. “What do you mean by another? Who are you talking about?” Raven suddenly clams up and becomes evasive in answering his query.
“That’s a story for another time.”

Cold Coffee Press/Cafe endorses The Mystery Alliance: Evian’s Saga as an introduction to the book series by Taffey Tawanna Champion. I reviewed this book from a Kindle format. The review was completed on September 13, 2016. For more information please visit Cold Coffee Press and Cold Coffee Café

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