
Who of us, at one time or another, hasn't wondered if we are alone in the universe? Mitch Wilde never had, until a failed attempt at pulling an arrow out of his best friend Jack's shoulder began a string of strange and unexpected events. When Native Americans start vanishing throughout the country and re-appearing in strange places on horseback, Mitch is challenged in ways he never dreamed. In addition, who are the uninvited strangers ransacking some of their homes? Added to this, Jack has taken to odd nocturnal treks. The local sheriff releases hostility he has held against Mitch since high school and something--nobody wants to call them UFOs--has just crashed into several surrounding lakes.Can Mitch keep himself out of jail in the small Pacific Northwest Town of Outlaw River? Can Mitch figure out what the strange entities emerging from the lake are and why? Can Mitch protect the beautiful life he and his wife Mabey worked so hard to create? Finally, can Mitch help his eccentric neighbor save the residents of Outlaw River, before it is too late?

  • Adventure
  • Supernatural

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