
If you ever wondered how angels interact in the physical world, communicate with humans and influence good over evil this fictional account will inspire deep thought and spiritual growth whether you are a believer now or not.

A Corporation of Angels brings a whole new meaning to corporate America. “Working at C.O.A. would be considered more of a hands-on atmosphere. It involved more than sitting in an office, with your face buried in a computer. Much of the work took place on the streets among people. One day you could be in the office, collecting information on the computer, and then the very same evening you would be in New York City, keeping an eye on a client. One thing was for sure, it was never boring.”
Imagine for a moment that you are an angel.

Imagine that you work within a corporation where teamwork, kindness and compassion are essential in your daily duties.

Imagine your C.E.O. is God.

What if your assignment was “Project Lost Faith” and it is your job to walk among humans to help them discover or rediscover their faith in God?

Would you work alone, in pairs or in groups?

How would you interact, protect and/or influence human beings?

Talk about obstacles, how would you handle Lucifer and his employees who are working from H.T. Enterprises to undermine you and the human spirits are every turn?

What if you weren’t an angel from C.O.A., but an employee where Lucifer is your C.E.O. work life would different from working for the C.O.A. “Unlike C.O.A., there was not much trust within the company and confidence amongst employees was not a strong suit with H.T. When a member of the staff was picked for an assignment, they could be sure that other eyes were upon them. They were ready to snitch on co-workers without hesitation, if it helped them climb to a higher position on the company flow chart. The C.E.O. preferred this method of promotion from within. He thought it kept his employees on their toes.”

Let’s come back to your life now. Think about all the times in your life when a chill went up your spine, a shadow skirted around you and you or a loved one was spared from an emending accident, survived an illness or even death itself.

I invite you to read ‘A Corporation of Angels’. Author James H. Barrett Jr. uses his faith, imagination and possibly some divine intervention to write a plausible account of spiritual beings (angels) on earth. The characters are complex, the dialog will draw you into the story. Well written action is mixed with mystery and humor that will give you food for thought.

Cold Coffee Press/Cafe endorses A Corporation of Angels by James H. Barrett Jr.. Another selection from this author titled ‘A Summer To Be Treasured’ can be found on Amazon. We reviewed this book from Kindle/PDF format. The review was completed on May 11, 2016. Visit for more information.

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