Book may have numerous typos, missing text, images, or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1894. Excerpt: ... THE KNIGHT'S TALE. NCE, as old stories tell, there was a duke named Theseus, the lord and governor of Athens, and who, in his time, was such a conqueror, that there was not a greater under the sun. He had won many a rich country. With his wisdom and his chivalry, he conquered all the realm of the Amazons that was formerly called Scythia, -- And weddede the queen Hypolita, and brought her, and also her young sister Emily, home with him to his own country, with much glory and great solemnity. And thus with victory and with melody, I1 leave this worthy duke to ride to Athens, with all his armed hosts beside him. And, certes, if it were not too long to hear, I would have told you fully in what manner the country of the Amazons was won by Theseus and all his chivalry, and of the great battle fought upon the occasion betwixt the Athenians and the Amazons, and how besieged was Hypolita The faire hardy queen of Scythia, and of the feast that took place at her wedding, and of the temple erected on her coming home. But from all this I must at present forbear. I have, God wot, a large field to ear,2 And weake be the oxen in my plough. The remnant of my tale is long enough. When this duke, of whom I made mention, was come almost to the town, In all his weal, and in his moste pride, He was 'ware, as he cast his eye aside, 1 The Knight, as well as each of the other Canterbury pilgrims, in telling his tale, speaks in the first person. 2 To plough. Where that there kneeled in the highe way A company of ladies, tway and tway, Each after other, clad in clothes black. But such a cry, and such a woe they make, that in this world there is no creature living that ever heard such another lamentation. And of this cry they would never cease till they had seized the reins of his bridle. "What folk be ye, that...
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