
Beautiful Milisant Crispin and handsome, arrogant Wulfric, the future Earl of Shefford, are engaged—and seldom has a betrothed couple been less suited. Her father has decreed that Milisant has a month to accustom herself to the future earl before the marriage takes place. As the time dwindles, Milisant desperately searches for a way out. But Wulfric is falling under a spell himself, cast by the proud, strong woman who will be pledged to him against her will in a few short days. And even as the joining of these two young people draws nearer, so too does a threat of danger which could destroy much more than a planned ceremony. Johanna Lindsey has created two unforgettable characters tied together by circumstance, but sharing a boundless passion that will force them to search their hearts—and surrender to a yearning far beyond their control.

  • United States
  • Historical

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