
From Osamu Tezuka, creator of Astro Boy, comes Metropolis, the legendary 1949 graphic novel that inspired the animated fame that floored audiences and critics alike. In a not-so-far-off future a beautiful, artifically created girl -- unaware of her non-human background -- searches for the non-existent parents she believes must exist, wandering alone in a world populated by humans and by the slave-driven robots who serve them. Tezuka's key theme of the nature of humanity in a technological society is framed in bold relief, as well as his wry allegorical observations of the Cold War that was escalating when he created Metropolis. A brilliant work of wit and wisdom -- and guest-starring some friends you may recognize from Astro Boy! -- Metropolis is one of graphic fiction's most enduring tales, available for the first time in an English-language edition.

  • Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Comic Strips
  • Manga
  • Dark Horse

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