
In 2029, the last of the baby-boom generation will turn 65. Numbering in the tens of millions, this age group clearly has the demographic muscle to renovate society. The movement is barely underway, but the dynamics of aging suggest profound social changes ahead: the search for meaning will intensify, the psychological effects of death and dying will be reexamined, the concept of legacy will be transformed, and the subject of economic justice will be reexamined. September University as an idea is a metaphor for intellectual maturity. It represents an ambitious quest on behalf of posterity. September University, the book, is a call to action, a social forecast, and above all a passionate pronouncement that a bright future depends upon the experiential wisdom of aging citizens. The exploration within its pages has the potential to alter worldviews, heighten aspirations, and elicit reflections about each person s legacy. Readers have the opportunity to discover new ways to find meaning in the last few chapters of their lives.

  • Philosophy & Social Aspects
  • Family Relationships
  • Aging

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