
Hello, my name is Angel, I'm 24 years old, I'm a wife, lover, mother, friend, student, blogger, daughter, aunt, sister, amateur photographer, craftster, geek, eccentric, outspoken, introverted exhibitionist and much more.

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1 The Fountainhead (Centennial Edition HC) The Fountainhead (Centennial Edition HC)

Ayn Rand

Favourite books

1 Women of the Silk: A Novel Women of the Silk: A Novel

Gail Tsukiyama

2 Memoirs of a Geisha Memoirs of a Geisha

Arthur Golden

3 Living Dead in Dallas (Book 2) [Southern Vampire #2] Living Dead in Dallas (Book 2) [Southern Vampire #2]

Charlaine (Author); Harris

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A review of Herzog by roochero

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