
'The book of lies' is a witty, instructive, and admirable collection of paradoxes; however, it is not a philosophical or mystical treatise. Actually, its subtleties exhilarate, Scholars have said it is 'stupendously idiotic and amazingly clever'. To endeavor to translate into definite terms Crowley's aphorisms would detract from the value of the book. It is wiser for readers to make their own interpretation. The ninety-three chapters, which may be a single word, a half dozen phrases, twenty paragraphs, or even twopages, have subjects determined more or less definitely by Qabalistic significance - for example, Chpater 25 gives a revised ritual of the Pentagram. The Commentaries following each chpater are equally outrageously impressive. Subtly embodied in the book is the entire symbolism of Freemasonry as well as the symbolism of others traditions. Aleister Crowley was not only a deep well of fundamental knowledge but also an even deeper well of symbolic knowledge.

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  • Occult
  • British
  • Wicca
  • Witchcraft

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